 * @file        /a_layout/css/layout.css
 * @copyright   Copyright (C) 2012 - 2023 codeDESIGN | Milos Mandic / All rights reserved.
 * @link        https://www.filterverlag.de
 * @author      codeDESIGN | Milos Mandic <milos.mandic@filterverlag.de>

/* codeDESIGN - layout.css */
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/* @import url('layout_gallery.css'); */
/* @import url('layout_cms.css'); */
@import url('layout_fonts.css');
@import url('layout_system_messages.css');

/* NEEDS ALSO ADJUSTMENT IN jce_editor.css */
@import url('../fonts/fontawesome-pro-6.3.0/css/all.min.css');

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#container:hover + #cube { background-color: yellow; }

if the cube is somewhere inside the container:
#container:hover #cube { background-color: yellow; }

if the cube is a sibling of the container:
#container:hover ~ #cube { background-color: yellow; }

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